Art, people and place.

For over 20 years, SPACED has been producing and commissioning context-responsive and socially engaged art projects across the whole of Western Australia and beyond. 


At SPACED, we combine artistic experimentation with social participation.


Explore some of our programs

Rural Utopias (2019-23). A program in rural and remote Western Australia. Artists Jacky Cheng with Salva­to­re Caruso and Nigel Smith, Jo Darby­shire with Andrea Williams, Nathan Gray, Alana Hunt, Georgie Matting­ley, Bennett Mil­ler, Eliza­beth Ped­ler, Sarah Rodi­gari, Tina Stefanou and Ana Tiquia develop­ed new works alongside their host commu­nities, res­p­on­ding to new social, environmental, and histori­cal contexts.

Know Thy Neighbour #3 (2021-23). A provocation to the famili­arity of place, asking communities to step outside of fami­liar en­gage­ments and locations; to seek out scenarios or contexts that defamiliar­ize and re­contextual­ise “the local” for communities, audi­ences, or the artists them­selves and ask how we can meaning­fully engage in the making of our cities.


The latest from the SPACED team, artists and partners