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Circular Economies Artists: House of Natural Fiber (IND)

We are overjoyed to introduce artists Irene Agrivina and Haryo Hutomo from House of Natural Fiber (HONF) for the Circular Economies program!

The HONF Foundation (Indonesia) is a creative community of artists, DJs, physicists, hackers, architects, scientists, makers, activists, expert users, and designers who test the possibilities of media art to address critical social issues through science and technology while pushing the boundaries of art and individual authorship.

Haryo Hutomo lives and works between Indonesia and Switzerland, graduated from arts pedagogic (B.Ed) State University of Jakarta. He has an interdisciplinary practice with a focus on how art engages with the praxis of life and explores the interaction between art, science, politics and human relation in both practical and aesthetic ways.

Irene Agrivina is a technologist and activist working closely with arts, science and technology that focuses on the application and practical use in daily life of collaborative, cross-disciplinary and technological actions responding to social, cultural and environmental challenges.

They will be hosted by Arts Narrogin, Narrogin.

SPACED will be sharing more information about the Circular Economies artists, host communities and projects as they unfold. Please subscribe to SPACED’s monthly email newsletter, and follow SPACED on Facebook and Instagram. 

Circular Economies is produced as a joint partnership by PICA - Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts and SPACED. PICA and SPACED thank our community host partners.

Explore our past programs

Know Thy Neighbour #3 (2021-23). Know Thy Neighbour #3 investigates notions of place, sites of interest, networks, and social relationships with partner communities.

Rural Utopias (2019-23). Rural Utopias is a program of residencies, exhibitions and professional development activities organised in partnership with 12 Western Australian rural and remote towns.