Know Thy Neighbour #3: Artist Talks and Curatorial Walk-Through
On Wednesday 22 March and Thursday 23 March we have two public program events to add depth and context to the currently installed Know Thy Neighbour #3 exhibition at Cullity Gallery.
Wed 22 March, 12pm – 1pm: Artist Talks
Join artists Elham Eshragian-Haakansson, Amy Perejuan Capone, Yabini Kickett, Olga Cironis and Duncan Wright in conversation with Spaced Curator Mayma Awaida, in a discussion about arts as social practice.
Thurs 23 March, 10am – 11am: Curatorial Walk-Through
Know Neighbour #3 Curator, Mayma Awaida, will facilitate a walking tour of the gallery space, the methodologies behind each of the installed works, and navigating the complexities of curating in, for, and with communities.
The Know Thy Neighbour #3 exhibition continues until March 25, with gallery opening hours Mon – Fri 9.30am – 5pm.
Image courtesy of Theo Costantino