Know Thy Neighbour #3 Curator Mayma Awaida panellist on PICA’s Hatched Forum

To coincide with the opening of Hatched: National Graduate Show 2022, this panel discussion brings together a group of highly commended artists and creative practitioners, each with an array of unique insights and experiences of forging and sustaining a creative practice.

In present times of economic, political and social upheaval, with a federal election fast approaching, the artists and creative practitioners featured will discuss their approaches to sustainable practice, including what this has meant for their careers so far as well as practical advice for emerging artists seeking to sustain a career in the arts. Some first-hand knowledge you don’t want to miss!

Each panellist will give an overview of their recent experiences as a practicing artist. Topics discussed will include accessing funding sources, navigating freelance and project-based employment, developing and presenting work as part of international and national arts festivals, and negotiating work-life balance. This insightful forum aims to provide an understanding of what sustainable arts practice might look like, both now and into the future.

Featuring Mayma Awaida, Erin Coates & Sharyn Egan, facilitated by Andrew Varano.

Hatched 2022 is made possible by the generosity of Major Exhibition Partner the Minderoo Foundation.

PICA’s opening events, public programs, family and learning programs and studio residencies are supported by our Community Engagement Partner the City of Perth.

Sat 14 May, 2.30 - 4.30PM at PICA

Register via Facebook


Explore our current programs

Know Thy Neighbour #3 (2021-23). Know Thy Neighbour #3 investigates notions of place, sites of interest, networks, and social relationships with partner communities.

Rural Utopias (2019-23). Rural Utopias is a program of residencies, exhibitions and professional development activities organised in partnership with 12 Western Australian rural and remote towns.


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